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Hi, I am Sandra from Mind Matters.

I am a qualified IEMT Practitioner. (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) and registered on the IEMT website.

My therapy room has a lovely calming feel, in a quiet, private environment and is designed with peace at the heart of it. 

I am DBS checked and insured. 

I have a passion for helping people live a better life and achieve the most they are capable of. It is something that really fuels MY passion for life. I am a people person and hope that this comes across in my personality.

I am a mum of three children, one of whom passed away in 2012 due to cancer. Another had lots of mental health challenges as a result of his brother's passing. The third child has had not so good mental health due to massive relationship traumas. I have had lots of counselling to help my grief and dealing with the challenges, as a parent, unstable mental health in your children throws at you.

The results I have had, so far, on my IEMT journey, for both myself and clients is quite remarkable. I can't wait to continue to share this wonderful therapy with others to try to help them improve their quality of life, as it has for mine. And in most instances, it is only over a short period of time.

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